quarta-feira, 4 de junho de 2014

Nuns on the Bus!

             Perhaps you know that nuns in the USA have been under special scrutiny from Vatican authorities for some time now.  They are suspected of being radical feminists and of becoming too involved in political issues.  An apostolic visitation, begun some years ago, has yet to be made public.  In the meantime, the sisters seem to have overwhelming support from Catholics throughout the country.
Last year, Sr. Simone Campbell, a lawyer who heads Network, a Catholic lobby (which the US Province strongly supports) spearheaded “Nuns on the Bus”, a multi-state tour of the country.  Many nuns rode the bus to bring awareness on social justice issues, especially a national budget that disregards the needs of the poor, and comprehensive immigration reform that is not being addressed by legislators.  The tour was remarkably successful.
The “Nuns on the Bus” tour will soon become a movie.  You can watch the movie trailer at this address:  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/nuns-on-the-bus-the-movie   It is unfortunately only in English, but the photos will give you an idea of what many nuns are doing in the USA. 


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